Dear Praying Friends,
April 2020
Please Praise the Lord with me for:
• Seminary began with 10 new freshmen and 13 upper classmen.
• God’s provision to stock up before the quarantine started here.
• God’s direction to help others with blessing packs (food items, Gospel of John).
Like so many things in your life right now, lots of things are on pause here too: OANSA (Kids’ Club),
Student’s weekend ministries, church services, Operation Christmas Child Shoebox distribution,
evangelism groups, guest’s visits, and a medical campaign (planned for July). These things are missed
but God is giving us new opportunities as these get put on hold.
Some things go on like normal. Our seminary classes are continuing. Many of our professors are living
on campus. We have been able to continue classes almost as usual, now using Skype/Messenger/Zoom in the
second and third modules. It is good to keep the student’s minds occupied.
Some things have gone into fast-forward. Evangelism training has continued but now ALL the students are
involved. Our seminary kitchen now cooks 7 days a week. God provided funds to give work to any student
that wants it in the afternoons. We were able to celebrate Passover on the actual dates since the students
could not go to the regional churches until the quarantine is over (End of April? Maybe?). JESUS our
Part of my ministry has gone in a whole new direction with our local “hospital.” Very few Peruvians own
a vehicle and right now public transportation is almost nonexistent. Daily I drive many of the medical
staff to and from their a general meeting point or their homes in Cusco so that our local health care
system can go on. This has given me so many opportunities to pass out tracts and New Testaments (with
water bottles for police and soldiers at the many checkpoints) as well as have meaningful gospel conversations
as I drive. Please pray for souls and pray for protection.
Sharing God’s Love in Perú,
Rachel Tarvin